JUnit @RepeatedTest Annotation

By Arvind Rai, April 27, 2021
On this page we will learn using JUnit @RepeatedTest annotation in our application unit test cases.
1. The @RepeatedTest annotation is introduced in JUnit 5.
2. The @RepeatedTest annotation denotes that the method annotated with this is test method that should be repeated a specified number of times with a configurable display name.
3. Each invocation of @RepeatedTest method executes in the same way as a regular @Test method.
4. Each invocation of @RepeatedTest method supports for same lifecycle callbacks and extensions as a regular @Test method such as calling @BeforeEach and @AfterEach methods.
5. The repetition info can be accessed by RepetitionInfo such as current repetition and total number of repetitions. It can also be accessed using placeholders that are {displayName}, {currentRepetition} and {totalRepetitions}.
6. The @RepeatedTest methods must not be private or static and must return void.
7. The @RepeatedTest methods may optionally declare parameters to be resolved by ParameterResolver as we do in @Test method. We can resolve parameters such as RepetitionInfo and TestInfo in @RepeatedTest methods.

Technologies Used

Find the technologies being used in our example.
1. Java 14
2. JUnit 5.7.1
3. Maven 3.8.1

Maven Dependencies

Find the Maven dependencies.

Using @RepeatedTest

To create a repeated test method, just annotate the test method with @RepeatedTest in place of @Test annotation. We need to pass the number of repetition to @RepeatedTest.
void repeatedSumTest() {
   int sum = 50 + 60;
   assertEquals(110, sum);
In the above test method, we have passed 3 to @RepeatedTest annotation. It means, test method will execute 3 times, each with full cycle. Writing test method with @RepeatedTest(3) is same as writing test method 3 times with @Test annotation.
The test method with @RepeatedTest will execute full cycle for every repetition i.e. @BeforeEach and @AfterEach methods will be called for each repetition.
public class MyAppTest1 {
  void init(TestInfo testInfo) {
	System.out.println("Start..." + testInfo.getDisplayName());
  void repeatedSumTest() {
	System.out.println("---Inside repeatedSumTest ---");
	int sum = 50 + 60;
	assertEquals(110, sum);
  void tearDown(TestInfo testInfo) {
	System.out.println("Finished..." + testInfo.getDisplayName());
Console output
Start...repetition 1 of 3
---Inside repeatedSumTest ---
Finished...repetition 1 of 3
Start...repetition 2 of 3
---Inside repeatedSumTest ---
Finished...repetition 2 of 3
Start...repetition 3 of 3
---Inside repeatedSumTest ---
Finished...repetition 3 of 3 
The getDisplayName() method of TestInfo gives the test display name.

@RepeatedTest Display Name

The display name for @RepeatedTest is the display name for every repetition in test result. To set the display name, we use name attribute of @RepeatedTest annotation. The @RepeatedTest has following attributes.
value: The number of repetitions.
name: The display name for each repetition of the repeated test.

Find the code snippet to set a display name.
@RepeatedTest(value = 3, name= RepeatedTest.SHORT_DISPLAY_NAME)
void repeatedSumTest() {
Find the print screen of the output.
JUnit @RepeatedTest Example
The SHORT_DISPLAY_NAME is the default display name for @RepeatedTest. We can also set name to LONG_DISPLAY_NAME.
@RepeatedTest(value = 3, name= RepeatedTest.LONG_DISPLAY_NAME)
void repeatedSumTest() {

Custom Display Name:
For custom display name, JUnit provides following placeholders supported by name attribute of @RepeatedTest.
{displayName}: Test name configured by @DisplayName annotation.
{currentRepetition}: Current repetition count.
{totalRepetitions}: Total repetition count.

Find the examples to use custom display name for @RepeatedTest methods.
Ex-1: Using {currentRepetition} and {totalRepetitions} placeholders.
@RepeatedTest(value = 3, name= "Addition Test: repetition {currentRepetition}/{totalRepetitions}")
void repeatedSumTest() {
Print screen of the output.
JUnit @RepeatedTest Example

Ex-2: Using {displayName} placeholder that takes value configured by @DisplayName annotation.
@DisplayName("Addition Test")
@RepeatedTest(value = 3, name = "{displayName}: repetition {currentRepetition}/{totalRepetitions}")
void repeatedSumTest() {
The output display name of above test will be same as the output of ex-1.

The format of SHORT_DISPLAY_NAME :
"repetition {currentRepetition} of {totalRepetitions}" 
The format of LONG_DISPLAY_NAME :
"{displayName} :: repetition {currentRepetition} of {totalRepetitions}" 

Using RepetitionInfo

JUnit provides RepetitionInfo and TestInfo to fetch test execution informations. The RepetitionInfo gives test repetition information such as current repetition and total repetitions. Using TestInfo, we fetch test execution display name.
To use RepetitionInfo and TestInfo, just use them as test method parameters and JUnit will resolve dependency injection.
The RepetitionInfo has following methods.
getCurrentRepetition(): Returns the current repetition.
getTotalRepetitions(): Returns the total number of repetitions.
Find the sample code.
void repeatedSumTest(RepetitionInfo repetitionInfo, TestInfo testInfo) {
	System.out.println("Display name: " + testInfo.getDisplayName());
	System.out.println("Current repetition: " + repetitionInfo.getCurrentRepetition());
	System.out.println("Total repetition: " + repetitionInfo.getTotalRepetitions());
	int sum = 50 + 60;
	assertEquals(110, sum);


Annotation Type RepeatedTest
Interface RepetitionInfo

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