Spring OXM: Marshaller and Unmarshaller with Castor

By Arvind Rai, March 05, 2023
On this page, we will learn marshaller and unmarshaller example with Castor in spring OXM.
1. Castor is an open source XML binding framework. It allows to convert XML to/from Java object. We configure CastorMarshaller as bean in JavaConfig.
2. If we are using any mapping XML file, we can refer it by using setMappingLocation method of CastorMarshaller.
3. Castor provides castor.properties file to override its configurations such as pretty printing of XML.
4. Marshaller: We convert Java object into XML.
Unmarshaller: We convert XML into Java object.

Project Structure in Eclipse

Find our demo project structure in Eclipse.
Spring OXM: Marshaller and Unmarshaller Example with Castor

Gradle File

Find the Gradle file to resolve JAR dependencies.
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'eclipse'
archivesBaseName = 'concretepage'
version = '1' 
repositories {
dependencies {
	compile 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter:1.2.2.RELEASE'
	compile 'org.springframework:spring-oxm:4.1.5.RELEASE'
	compile 'org.codehaus.castor:castor-xml:1.3.3'

Spring Annotation Configuration for CastorMarshaller

In configuration file, we need to create bean for CastorMarshaller. CastorMarshaller.setMappingLocation() is used to refer xml mapping file. Using CastorMarshaller we create the instance for Marshaller and Unmarshaller.
package com.concretepage;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.springframework.core.io.ClassPathResource;
import org.springframework.core.io.Resource;
import org.springframework.oxm.castor.CastorMarshaller;
public class AppConfig {
	public Converter getHandler(){
	  Converter handler= new Converter();
	  return handler;
	public CastorMarshaller getCastorMarshaller() {
	  CastorMarshaller castorMarshaller = new CastorMarshaller();
	  Resource resource = new ClassPathResource("mapping.xml");
	  return castorMarshaller;

Create Marshaller and Unmarshaller Class

In this class, we create methods for marshaling and unmarshaling. Spring provides two interfaces.
Marshaller interface defines the contract for Object XML mapping marshaller.
Unmarshaller interface defines the object XML mapping unmarshaller.
While writing to XML to file, we use StreamResult class.
While converting XML to Java object, we use StreamSource class.
package com.concretepage;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamResult;
import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamSource;
import org.springframework.oxm.Marshaller;
import org.springframework.oxm.Unmarshaller;

public class Converter {
    private Marshaller marshaller;
    private Unmarshaller unmarshaller;
    public void setMarshaller(Marshaller marshaller) {
        this.marshaller = marshaller;
    public void setUnmarshaller(Unmarshaller unmarshaller) {
        this.unmarshaller = unmarshaller;
    //Converts Object to XML file
    public void doMarshaling(String fileName, Object graph) throws IOException {
        FileOutputStream fos = null;
        try {
            fos = new FileOutputStream(fileName);
            marshaller.marshal(graph, new StreamResult(fos));
        } finally {
    //Converts XML to Java Object
    public Object doUnMarshaling(String fileName) throws IOException {
        FileInputStream fis = null;
        try {
            fis = new FileInputStream(fileName);
            return unmarshaller.unmarshal(new StreamSource(fis));
        } finally {

Create Setter/Getter Class for XML Mapping

We need to create a setter/getter class which will be used to map object to XML and XML to Object mapping.
package com.concretepage.bean;
public class Country {
	private Integer id;
	private String countryName;
	private String pmName;
	public Integer getId() {
		return id;
	public void setId(Integer id) {
		this.id = id;
	public String getCountryName() {
		return countryName;
	public void setCountryName(String countryName) {
		this.countryName = countryName;
	public String getPmName() {
		return pmName;
	public void setPmName(String pmName) {
		this.pmName = pmName;

XML Pretty Printing

We can perform pretty printing while marshaling. If we need proper indentation of XML tags, we have to override castor.properties file. The castor.properties file should be kept in classpath. To achieve pretty printing, configure org.exolab.castor.indent as true.
org.exolab.castor.indent = true

Map Object and XML

To get the control of creating XML and its node nomenclature and mapping java file properties to a XML attribute or element, we have to create a mapping file which will be configured with CastorMarshaller in configuration file.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE mapping PUBLIC "-//EXOLAB/Castor Mapping DTD Version 1.0//EN" 
		Spring OXM and Castor
    <class name="com.concretepage.bean.Country">
        <map-to xml="country-info" />
        <field name="id" type="int">
            <bind-xml name="id" node="attribute"/>
        <field name="countryName" type="string">
            <bind-xml name="country-name" node="element"/>
        <field name="pmName" type="string">
            <bind-xml name="pm-name" node="element"/>

Run Application

Finally we will test our application. We will create an object of Country class and call marshaling method. This will generate an XML file as country.xml. Now we will call method for unmarshaling in which we pass our XML file that will be converted into Java object.
package com.concretepage;
import java.io.IOException;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext;
import com.concretepage.bean.Country;
public class RunApplication {
	public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
	   AnnotationConfigApplicationContext ctx = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext();
	   Converter converter = ctx.getBean(Converter.class);
	   //Perform Marshaling
	   Country country = new Country();
	   converter.doMarshaling("country.xml", country);
	   System.out.println("Marshaling performed");
	   //Perform UnMarshaling
	   country = (Country)converter.doUnMarshaling("country.xml");
	   System.out.println("After UnMarshaling Data is: id:"+ country.getId()+", CountryName:"+country.getCountryName());
Find the output for marshaling as an XML.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<country-info id="100">
Find the output for unmarshaling in which we get a Java object.
Marshaling performed
11:05:03.124 [main] DEBUG org.exolab.castor.xml.XMLContext - Creating new Unmarshaller instance.
After UnMarshaling Data is: id:100, CountryName:India 


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